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Small and precise coding in the tiniest space

JET3up MI micro printer
  • Micro printing down to 0.7 mm

  • Precise coding of the smallest products

  • Printing characters, numbers and barcodes in the smallest areas

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Tech Info

A company has to ensure that all of its products are correctly marked to guarantee seamless tracking and to meet applicable legal requirements. However, this poses an enormous challenge for manufacturers that use a conventional inkjet coder when dealing with tiny products such as injectors, relays and wires. For technical reasons, these devices, which have an average nozzle size of 60 μm or 70 μm, cannot accurately print any text that is shorter than 1 cm.

Paul LEIBINGER noticed this problem and offers the JET3up MI inkjet coder as the solution. With a nozzle size of 35 μm or 40 μm, this printer is specially designed for coding especially small, thin lettering. The LEIBINGER JET3up MI is also perfect for applications that require printing a large amount of different information in a tiny space. The small, intricate labels created by the JET3up MI guarantee that the text is of a high quality and easy-to-read, even if the font height is short.

Ideal for dark substrates and UV-resistant imprints

The JET3up PI is ideal for marking and coding applications in which a strong contrast is to be created between the imprint and a product with a darker substrate. Examples include black cables, pipes, wires, automotive parts or brown beer bottles that have to be marked in white for clearer legibility. White and other light-colored inks, as well as dark inks with high opacity, contain pigments and cannot be used in standard printers as a result. The pigments they contain also make the inks particularly UV-resistant.

© 2017 par REDEMAC INC.

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